2025 The Wright Thing To Do Scholarship
Tuesday, March 18, 2025
The Wright Thing To Do Scholarship (“Trust”) was established in 2011, by John D. Wright, in
conjunction with the Plumbers and Pipefitters Local No. 354 of the United Association of
Journeymen and Apprentices of the Plumbing and Pipe Fitting Industry of the United States
and Canada. The purpose of the Trust is to provide financial aid to individuals enrolled or
accepted for enrollment as a full or part-time student in an accredited college (including
community college), university or vocational educational institution.
The Trust is supported by gifts from individuals, business, unions, foundations and other
entities that make charitable contributions, and from the income earned on the investments of
the Trust.
In order to be eligible for receipt of scholarship funds, an applicant must be: (i) the child of a
current member of the Plumbers & Pipefitters Local Union 354; (ii) the child of current
member of any local union within the United Association that is a member of the Pennsylvania
Pipe Trades, New Jersey Pipe Trades or New York Pipe Trades; or (iii) currently enrolled or
accepted for enrollment as a full or part-time student in the Westmoreland County Community
Completed applications for financial aid from the Trust must be postmarked no later than June
15th of the year you apply. Trustees review all properly completed applications and may
award one or more scholarships in or about July of each year. Prior recipients are eligible to
receive additional aid, however, such recipients must complete a new application at the time of
each request.
Please click here for The Wright Thing To Do Scholarship Trust application.
Application is due June 15th!